Hello there, Earthling - Dr Mackenzie Here!

Let’s be real – we weren’t exactly handed a guidebook on how our bodies work. And that’s not okay. Here at The Human Experience Clinic, we believe it’s time we change that. Our mission is to make sure every woman knows what’s happening with her body and why. Understanding your health shouldn't be a mystery, it should be a right.

I’m here to break down the barriers and bust the myths surrounding women's health. Teaching you what is happening within your body and how to heal! At The Human Experience Clinic we openly talk about those “taboo” topics (such as poop and vaginal discharge!) and make them as normal as chatting about the weather.


Check out the range of services available at The Human Experience Clinic, all backed by a history of success! From personalized health coaching to workshops focused on holistic wellness, I'm here to support you every step of the way. Let's connect and discuss how I can help you take your health into your own hands. Together, we'll transform your array of symptoms into radiant health – let's begin!

Our Services

  • Join me for insightful webinars covering a range of common health topics designed to empower you on your wellness journey. Discover strategies to boost your health. Get ready to dive deep into these essential subjects and unlock the knowledge you need to thrive.

  • Discover my curated collection of courses designed to offer in-depth support and guidance on a variety of crucial health subjects. Each course is meticulously crafted to provide you with comprehensive knowledge, practical tools, and actionable strategies to empower your wellness journey. From boosting your immune system and understanding environmental allergies to mastering migraine management and gaining insights into fertility, these courses are your pathway to unlocking lasting health and vitality.

  • Welcome to Mastermind Health Coaching - a transformative one-year journey designed to elevate your health and well-being to new heights.

    Join a small, intimate group for personalized coaching sessions tailored to your unique needs. Dive deep into customized approaches to optimize your health, guided by expert insights and strategies.

    Experience the power of intimate conversations and unwavering support from both your coach and peers. Engage in meaningful discussions, share experiences, and grow together on your wellness journey.

    As a special bonus, gain access to amazing guest speakers who will inspire and enlighten you with their expertise and wisdom.

    Embark on this immersive experience and unlock the keys to lasting health and vitality with Mastermind Health Coaching.

  • Ready for some personalized TLC? Our 1:1 treatments are all about you! Whether you're looking for expert advice, tailored health plans, or just a friendly chat about your wellness journey, we've got you covered. Get ready to dive deep into understanding your body with sessions designed to meet your unique needs. Let’s work together to make your health journey as smooth and empowering as possible. Book your 1:1 support today and start feeling your best, one step at a time!

Empowering you to take charge of your health with expert guidance on hormones, digestion, and more. Discover how holistic medicine can transform your well-being—because understanding your body is the first step to healing.